Vampires are a disease passed down by blood or by bite. Nobody knows the origins of this disease but it changes the biology of humans.

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Vampires are seperated into 3 types of vampire


Royal vampires are a special type of born vampire who have abnormal almost magical abilities, and inhibit most powers heard in vampire folklore. Royal vampires can be spotted with colorful unnatural markings unlike all other vampires who feature natural colors. They will also feature bird-like wattles, and crests which most other vampires do not feature.


Born vampires are individuals born with the vampiric disease, they have more instinctual control compared to infected and have more bat-like forms.


Infected vampires are humans who were infected by other vampires via vampire venom. These vampires will form a wound around the area they were bitten in similar to a deep wound, these wounds will be in the shape of their bat form. Infected vampire bat forms are more beastly and are more of a mix of human and bat. They also struggle a lot with their instincts tending to be very impulsive at first.

Human Form Features

All human forms will feature pointed ears and fangs, although some vampires will "stealth" which means they will cut their ears to look human along with file down their fangs to resemble human teeth. Fangs must be filed down once a year as they regrow.Human forms will feature a mark resembling their bat forms, bat forms can have this mark too although it can sometimes be covered up by fur.Marks can appear as a deep wound if its caused by infection, if not the mark is always a birthmark.MARKING EXAMPLES

FANGSThe fangs of vampires can vary quite a lot, they can form as overgrown sharp canines, or snake-like fangs. If an individual is an infected the process of growing them can be painful and uncomfortable.COMMON FANG TYPES

All fangs feature the ability to shoot venom out of their fangs to spread the disease. The ability to control the venom depends on the individual, but most born and royals can control it whilst infected don't have much control for at least the first few years.

VAMPIRE MASKINGVampires have a set of instinctual and bodily traits attached to their being, the ammount someone is attached to determines how much of a struggle someone would have masking those vampiric traits.

UNMASKEDUnmasked vampires will be in a sort of midform of sorts showing their bat-like traits. The way the traits show depends on the individual. Behaviorally they also will have traits of their bat form meshed into their human form.Unmasked vampires find it extremely difficult to mask their traits and get exhausted at the end of the day after masking.

MASKEDMasked vampires will be relatively the same as a human behaviorally and visually, the only way to spot a vampire who's masking is via their marking, fangs, and ears.Masked vampires usually have no struggle masking their traits and are either more comfortable masking them or are so used to it, that it's their default state of mind.

Masking in vampire society varies in importance, some vampiric cultures promote unmasking these traits whilst others promote masking. Most humans are fearful of unmasked vampires as they are seen as more impulsive instinctually.Vampires throughout their lives can fluctuate with their relationship to masking, some years it might be more comfortable to mask whilst others it'd be uncomfortable. Their unmasked traits can fluctuate too, some days they might have a tail some days they may not.

Bat Form Features

Bat forms are special to the individual and will feature colors based off their human forms skin and hair colors. Bat forms have 3 base formsVampire forms are always slightly larger than the human form, and cannot be smaller.


Crawlers have lost the ability to fly and mainly are known for their ability to run and climb very well. All crawlers have some form of webbing between their arms or legs.


Gliders can glide building to building or tree to tree, they are known for their ability to hide well and climb well.


Flyers have the gift of flight and are known for their ability to fly extremely fast and grab their prey in the air.

Bat-Form Sentience

Compared to a vampires human form, their bat form is more animalistic and can be as smart as a dolphin all the way to a dog. Bat forms are not able to process much of the human language, and can memorize as much as an animal could.BAT EXPRESSIONS & BODY-LANGUAGE
Communication wise bat forms rely highly on body-language and bat calls.



Bats usually do a noise similar to a laughing sound to threaten humans.

Deep Growl
Bats to a deep growl when content, comfortable, and happy, similar to a cats purr.

Bats let out a strong screech to intimidate and hold attention to other bats.

Human-Like sounds
Bats will imitate human sounds to lure them into a trap to hunt.

Behaviors & Diet

Vampires are inherently cannibalistic to their host species whatever that species may be (most commonly the host species is human), they are instinctually hunters and have the urge to hunt their host species instinctually.These urges can be easy to manage as a born vampire, for infected it can be a process.Vampires can feed on only blood although their energy will be lessened and they wont be as strong as others. Eating full on meat can have many benefits such as more energy and a less likelihood of getting sick.Societally for human vampires they are very social and need to socialize with other vampires to be happy, being a loner is extremely uncommon for vampires and if isolated they are very likely to form depression. This is why most vampires join flocks of some kind.All vampires feel the need to respect and slightly fear royal vampires, it takes an immense amount of bravery to go against those feelings.